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by (4,311 points)
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Hellor dear Tibians!

I'm looking for places to hunt as blocker, just a Druid (also lvl 400) and me. I have the inttention to hunt at nightmare isles but I think I need lvl 450+, same for deathlings.

The ideia is a place to hunt full box with balance between xp and profit.


1 Answer

+2 votes
by (5,051 points)
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This is my topic! I have been hunting in pt ED-RP since lvl 350

The best places in my opinion:

- Roshamuul valley

- Catacombs

- Roshamul after the wall, if you think you cant stand the box x8 of nightmare island (I think you already can)

- Buried cathedral spectres in POH(dream courts ones): don't full surrounded if you can because sometimes their combo is really high. These creatures do not retarget.

- Asura mirror: this is my favorite place ever. 6kk/h with green stamina

- Summer courts and winter courts. The winter ones do not walk over fire.

In most of these places you'll get more than 4.5kk/h and over 1kk profit/h for both.

If you like short hunts: west and south raid is also good for exp, but not that good for loot (over 150k profit for each one per raid)

About deathlings.. I have only gone there once, the exp is ok, but the loot is mot my favorite, they drop lots of heavy and cheap items... So you are all the time out of cap even if you have your bp enchanted.

by (4,311 points)
Thx! It will help alot.
by (5,051 points)
You are welcome :)