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by (16 points)
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Lets assume I just started from scratch, don't know anybody and I don't want to spend money on Tibia Coins or gambling, how do I accumulate wealth in game so I can sustain myself without having to worry that my next death might lead to poverty from level 1 to 50?

- Should I invest my gold into creature products which many people will sell for less on the market because Yasir has not arrived?

- Is there any hunting grounds that would lead to a lot of gold without much risk, perhaps creature products that are sought-after for Imbuements?

- Are there any quests I can do proficiently by myself that would lead to sought-after items or a lot of gold as reward?

Are runes still a good strategy to earn a lot of gold? 

- Which creature would benefit me the most from assembling a loot bag?

- How likely is it to snipe an estate from other bidders so i could sell the house for profit? 

Thank you very much in advance for your knowledge!


by (5,766 points)
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Not every question should be a carbon copy with a different word - a good example would be asking about how can you profit with runes in Tibia (something that you don't need to ask with a level range, as an example).

For the other examples, you can use our search tool here and look at examples from the past. We had a few good examples of lootbag here https://www.tibiaqa.com/9883/best-places-to-lootbag?show=9883#q9883 but you can ask about places where a low level 1 - 50 can make a lootbag and that would be fine.
by (7,016 points)
There is not too many question in a single ''question''?
by (1,533 points)
I find a trouble mixing the market profit questions and house-bidder with the whole lvl question, those two shouldn't be with the question due u could do that on any lvl, beside rune-making which is not so worthy at higher lvls as profit method than what could be as lower lvl. more than that all good imo.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (44 points)


I will describe my method of easy profit in tibia, since you have asked for some hunting grounds rich with money. It will make you comfortable while playing your main character for sure. My credentials are : at least 100k voodoo masters killed, around 120 voodoo dolls sold.

Firstly, you need to create 4 MS noob chars, equip them with speed items, stealth rings and avalanche runes. On the left pray table you need to draw a Voodoo Master, then you need to get 10/10 loot prey on each char. This is time-consuming but constant, since left praytable is available on facc - it will never go away. Ok, now you need to rotate your noob chars - 1 is logged off on the hunting ground, the rest are getting 3 prey cards each week in the dp (you need 5 prey cards to lock the voodoo master lootprey for another 2h).

Now, depending on your noob char lvl, the method will be quicker, for the case of this post I will refer to 50lvl ms and 200lvl main char ms.

Go to the dworc cave in Port hope and follow pictures below, green dots are voodoo masters to kill, blue dots are rope holes to go down. Stealth rings will make you safe at all times, so you can even go afk.

-1. 31Voodoo Masters to kill

-2. 10 Voodoo Masters to kill

-3. 17 Voodoo Masters to kill

-4. 14 Voodoo Masters to kill

There are other places in the cave but don't bother going there, the way is too long for too few Masters.
My circle has 72 Voodoo Masters in total, for 50lvl it takes 8min, for 200ms it takes 5min with gran hur.

The red lines are the best circle during double resp events, killing 72 voodoo masters during this time takes 3min for 200lvl and 4,5min for 50lvl.

Now - looting.

Mark Voodoo Dolls and Bast Skirts as valuable loot. Enlarge your Loot Chat to around 7-8lines. Once the doll is dropped it will be impossible to miss. Occasionally, tho rarely, a bast skirt will be dropped as well.

On open pvp servers (antica and vunira) the dolls are sold for 400-1200k each. In case of Vunira it's 800-1200k, depending on a day, usually it's 800-900k each, but every month there is a few days window when you can sell your dolls for as much as 1200k, so hold on to them and sell them monthly, if you need cash quickly just sell one thru trading (not thru market to not put the avg. price down).


The doll is dropped every 500-800 Voodoo Masters killed on average. Sometimes you can get 2 in 1min, sometimes you need to kill 1200 to get one. But the average stays the same for years now. During double loot/rapid respawn you can get even 5 dolls in one weekend.

Now the most important thing:


Do not do more than 1-2 circles each time (unless it's the event time). If you go there for longer than 20min you will get frustrated very fast, since you may not get the doll for even 1200 voodoo masters. Just don't do it. I do exactly one circle - 72 masters - and then log off, 0-4 times a day. This way if you won't get the doll it's ok, since you lost only 8min of your time. If you get it - great.

I've been doing it for 7 years now, whenever I am back to playing Tibia. It really works. It's a great method of getting your premium time, or dream items. Tho remember it's all about the average monsters killed. Since Cyclopedia was introduced I killed 55400 Voodoo Masters, before that probably a similar amount. There were times when I had no luck for 2 weeks and times when I looted 2dolls each day for a week.

Hope you will enjoy and stay sane and rich :)

0 votes
Runes can of course bring you some virtually free money, provided you make them with nothing more than food, maybe the odd life ring here or there. Profiting off them however due to the time, would not be worth the investment.

As for the house idea, based off the fact that you're trying to make money in the first place, I'd say it's a bad one. The idea isn't terrible if you can get a very desirable house on a very populated server for the right money, however the start up capital you'd need to get such a house would most likely mean that this is not going to happen. The same rule applies for buying items cheap, to sell for more. Let's say that you can buy items for 10-20% under their original cost, because a player doesn't have djinn, or Yasir hasn't appeared? That would mean that your gross profit after sale would only be that 10-20%. So let's say you had 100k sitting in the bank? If you could spend all 100k on items that were at least 10% cheaper than NPC, and sell them all to the NPC within 24 hours, you would make 10k profit a day. Keep in mind that any Yasir items would require an unknown amount of wait time, during which your initial capital is tied up and can't be used.

The absolute best way to make money in early Tibia is through hunting. Regardless of your vocation I'd highly recommend stone refiners in venore, as they drop creature products and platinum coins. They don't see any stealth so if you're struggling to kill them you could invest in stealth rings, which pending on the price on your server should be well and truly covered in your profit. As you get higher and they become easier, you can remove the rings which will increase your profit. Coryms in venore are quite good too for money, though can be a little tougher in packs.

Another good option is of course to look up any low-mid level monsters that drop creature products that are needed for imbuements. There's a good chance the items are selling for a decent amount, and not an overly hard drop rate. A great example is orc shamans, which can be hunted alongside other orcs in orc fort, or other places around the map. They drop shamanic staff's that are needed for magic level imbuement. On some servers these will go anywhere from 2k up to 10k, and they're not hard to get. Tibia wikia has the broken shamanic staff's drop rates at just over 10%, meaning theoretically speaking every 10 you kill could be making you quite some money.

TL:DR - You will gain more gold at an early level from hunting the right creature then any other means, that is of course assuming you're starting with 0 gold as a new player.