There is one made by one guy, however while I was doing a lot of stuff regarding mysteries I found some inaccuracies in it. However it still can be used as some start.

My personal quote on it from discord
ye that lore link u send we were investigating one day
so there is like some things that are facts there on the timeline, but some things there we didn't found the proof that they were made that day, so some of these might be just a concept of the guy who made it
or like, there is no data about the place in past
but ye most of things that happened at the beggings of the genesis era like Creation of humans
are correct
but also that timeline is quite old comparing to what we can achieve now
with newest zones there is more information to be found about the places
For instance you can compare the begging timeline to my notes on genesis (looking for hidden stuff inside genesis)

how fardos and uman-zathroth came out of void, and how tibiasula created herself out of void after many tries of fardos and uman trying to do it?

what ancient races survived the corpse war, and what ancient raced joined zathroth

what stopped allied races, the enemies of humans, to stop attacking, after the humans decided to defend?
why after equilibrium of all races and humans, some of races made some signs, that it might be edge of their peace?