+3 votes
by (1,389 points)

Hello, I noticed that sometimes following message appears:  "You had to leave the area because of strange events." and you get teleported to the temple. Can somebody explain why does it appear? Is it some part of event/quest?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (5,523 points)
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This is a common scenario in Tibia when there are map changes. If you are standing at a location when the map changes and would cause your character to be within an object it will teleport you to the temple with the message you quoted. "You had to leave the area because of strange events".

This can happen in several areas. It happens in Oramond raids if the walls have been destroyed and are rebuilt when you are standing there. Also, it happens in The Cults of Tibia quest when you are summoning the Misguided Shadow when doing access to The Souldespoiler and all the gold disappears from the map. When the map changes back and if you are standing in a gold pile you will be teleported.

There are several other quests and areas that can cause this to happen and some of them have been fixed over time. For example if a Tentugly tentacle spawns on you it would teleport you to the temple. I believe this still happens in some cases but other times it will now just push you to the side.

Related - https://www.tibiaqa.com/22173/what-makes-kicked-temple-during-memory-test-puzzle-from-pirates-tail-quest?show=22224#a22224