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by (3,816 points)
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Is it worth doing the tasks of “ killing in the name of..” before getting lvl 120 or its better starting after lvl 120?

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (33 points)
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Best answer
Yes it is "worth" starting and doing when you are starting a new server or character. You can quickly get not only the task points but also the charm points for those character your tasking for.

It will save time once your past level 130 and needing the Stone Golem charm and you could of easily done it when you were level 8-50.

It also allows you to have faster access by the boat from Grizzly Adams when needing to do other mission for future quest.
by (5,796 points)
Yes! Nowdays with the charms, tasks are extremely precious resources later on!
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by (524 points)
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When you create a new character it is remarkable that you progress according to you level. Many places to get a best exp in your level in case 130- coincide with a monsters in same tasks. For example, lvl 30-50 you can get a very high exp hunting on gargoyle sanctuary, ape city or tarantulas. In case you not hunt with a high level blocker or want a extreme rush you do not have why not make this tasks.

I think it's very valid to make this tasks before lvl 129, cause so fast to make, a lot of taskable creatures get a very high exp and profit compared to other good creatures if u can hunt, if u need a money you can kill demodras at level 100, and after lvl 130 u can make the other tasks to get boss points.
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by (4,311 points)
If u are starting a new character I think it worth, cuz u have a good number of easy task  that u can do while u are up your lvl. Hunts at hydras are also good while lvl 100-120. If u can do it you must do cuz later u have better hunts to do that aren't part of tasks.