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by (5,523 points)
"Rock Me to Sleep" is obtained by sleeping in a hammock 100 times while "Modest Guest" is obtained by sleeping on a straw mat 100 times. When I did these achievements it was necessary to find someone with a house with the bed of the appropriate type.

Can these achievements now be earned in any house or is this requirement still necessary? Is it possible to create a bed of this type in your house using furniture packages?

1 Answer

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by (5,318 points)
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Yes, you can get those achievements in any house. I personally got “Rock me to sleep” in the house which originally had normal bed and was replaced with Hammock (deco purposes). It is possible only since the update on 07 November 2019- https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=5272&fbegind=20&fbeginm=2&fbeginy=2018&fendd=22&fendm=3&fendy=2021&flist=11111111  we are able to buy different kind of beds and place them in our houses. Those can be bought from following NPC's:


 See also pic’s below:

Source: https://tibialife.com.br/descomplica-achievementes-home-sweet-home/

by (5,523 points)
Ok, I wasn't sure if the houses in your pictures came with the appropriate beds or not already. Could you add the details on how to do that to the answer please?
by (5,318 points)
I know, I was trying to find any of my print screen's, but I never bothered before to switch auto-screen save for achievements, so i think its lost. I remember this one, as it pop out on my screen and out of my ignorance I had to check what is it for ( I was not really into achievements at that time)
by (5,523 points)
Just a description on where the straw mat or hammock is purchasable and how to replace the existing bed in the house to make it possible to do the achievement would be great :)