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by (5,689 points)
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I know that You need to give back 5x bag with stolen gold in total to NPC, but... does this city have to be different every time or can it be for example. x5 venore? Does it matter or not?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,523 points)
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Best answer
I do not have the achievement myself but as far as I know it is just a total amount. It could theoretically be the same city every time. There are several sources online which also mention it only being the total amount.

by (5,689 points)
some ppl told me that it doesn't matter so i gave you best answer :)
+1 vote
Yes, it can be the same city.

You don’t need to delivery 1 bag for each city, I just got the achievement giving back 1 time in Thais and 4 times in ab’dendriel.