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by (5,327 points)
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Apparently, 15 of these creatures is spawning east to Port Hope, close to Deeper Banuta. I am looking for all the places where exactly Terrified Elephant spawns during Stampede Mini World Change.

1 Answer

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by (1,288 points)
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Terrified Elephant 

"Hooooot-Toooooot!"; "Tooooot!"; "Trooooot!".

Location: East of Port Hope and south of Banuta.

Map change message:

Stampede! The Ape God has stirred up Tiquanda's elephants again!

16 of them can be found on site during Stampede Mini World Change.

By killing 5 Terrified Elephants, you will earn the "Monkey God Trail" achievement.

Tibia fandom note:

Appears only during the Stampede Mini World Change. Terrified elephants are extremely fast to load (as fast as a level 200 player), but the charge only lasts about 5 seconds, after which they are very slow again.

Charm Points - 15

Loot: 0-3 Hams, 0-4 Meats, 0-2 Tusks, Tusk Shield (very rare).

It is possible to block the respawn of this creature. Hand-to-hand combat. Fight to the death.

by (5,327 points)
Do you have informations which is more detailed?  Or they is like 15th of them in a herd in this spot?

And... “fast to load”? XD
by (1,288 points)
Sorry, I didn't understand, you even stated in the details of your question that there are 15 spawning.
"Apparently, 15 of these creatures are spawning east of Port Hope, near Deeper Banuta."

If it is not confirmed, edit the details of your question and I did not understand what you meant: And ... I don't know what
do "quick to load"? Xd
by (5,327 points)
I am not sure about spawning and numbers- I saw pictures with 5 terrified elephants close each other - same screen, but not more than 5 of them.  I saw Xarkos post that there should be 16 of them  https://www.tibiaqa.com/13420/are-the-terrified-elephant-from-mini-world-change-stampede-part-bestiary?show=13420#q13420, and then somewhere else it was written 15.  So any more precise locations of this creatures will be appreciated.

‘Fast load” - is not really best to use it in this context - I believe you mean they are quick to charge-/attack.  ‘XD”- my dirty brain loled- sorry about it:D
by (1,288 points)
by (6,736 points)
I remember when I came on the Terrified Elephants respawn for the first time I met 16 of them, but then every time I came back to the spot, even after 10-15 minutes when resp should be full - I met only 15. Probably one of them has really slow resp time.
by (83 points)
The achievement is "Trail of the Ape God" NOT "Monkey God Trail" xD