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by (5,523 points)
What is the damage difference between Full Attack, Balanced Fighting, and Full Defense? I imagine Full Attack would give me the highest chance to hit doing the most damage. What are the calculations for each fighting stance?

For example, how does Full Defense affect these values? Has my max and average damage decreased by 50% but hit% chance is the same? Is hit % affected as well?

1 Answer

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by (65 points)
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For both distance and melee attacks, the minimum damage is your level divided by 5, so the Combat Mode does not impact this number. However, when calculating the maximum damage (and therefore later the average damage) the combat mode you choose will have an impact in the form of a multiplier:

  • Full Attack: 1
  • Balanced: 0.75
  • Full Defense: 0.5

This is how maximum melee damage is calculated:

0.085 x [Attack Mode Multiplier] x [Sum of attack value of all equipment] x [Skill] + [Level / 5]

As an example, a level 100 player with skill 100, and equipment attack of 50, will have the following maximum attack hit with melee:

Full attack:

0.085 x [Attack Mode Multiplier = 1] x [Sum of attack value of all equipment = 50] x [Skill = 100] + [Level 100 / 5]

0.085 x 1 x 50 x 100 + 20 = 445


0.085 x [Attack Mode Multiplier = 0.75] x [Sum of attack value of all equipment = 50] x [Skill = 100] + [Level 100 / 5]

0.085 x 0.75 x 50 x 100 + 20 = 338.75 (rounded to 339)

Full Defense:

0.085 x [Attack Mode Multiplier = 0.5] x [Sum of attack value of all equipment = 50] x [Skill = 100] + [Level 100 / 5]

0.085 x 0.5 x 50 x 100 + 20 = 232.5 (rounded to 233)

The attack mode does not impact hit chance %, but it will impact the damage received. This is how melee damage is received:

[Creature's Damage] - [Defense value from shield + weapon] x [Shielding skill] x [Defense Factor/100] x [Creature's Attack/100] x [Total equipment armor]

Defense factor:

  • Full Attack: 5
  • Balanced: 7
  • Full Defense: 10

Source: TibiaWiki's Formulae - https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Formulae

by (5,523 points)
Interesting, thanks!