+1 vote
by (3,816 points)
Nowadays it can only be bougth in the market or it has some quest?

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (7,037 points)
The only way to get it is buy it on market/other players. Because this was part of the celebration of 15 years anniversary of Tibia.

And the quest where you use it is: Chayenne's Realm Quest.
+1 vote
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It cannot be be obtained as a loot or reward anymore in the game - you can only buy it from other players. 

Was a very rare loot from Chayenne's Anniversary Remains during Tibia's 15th Anniversary. CipSoft has held events which had this item as a reward. It's very valuable because of its exclusiveness and because a quest requires it. As a consequence of its rarity, the quest's exclusive reward is also very valuable. ‘ Required in the Realm of Dreams Quest.

Source Tibia Wiki

It was also gifted by Cipsoft during contest for Cheyenne story- organised in honour and as a farewell for her. Winner were

0 votes
by (29 points)

The only way to get it is buy it on market or with other players. This was part of the celebration of 15 years of Tibia and u cant obtain more.
