+2 votes
by (6,736 points)
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It is known, that we can loot both items necessary to make full Rascoohan Outfit, but for now in my team only one person looted it (ofc if we were lucky). Is it possible to loot more than one of these items during the same fight?
by (5,730 points)
I think is possible a friend drop the wand and the soap at same time, so I believe maybe it is possible.
by (6,736 points)
Seems that items and addons have different value in reward system, but im curious if its possible only in case of soap and brush - for example 1 person in team loot soap and the other one - brush.

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,452 points)
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It is possible. Today I looted my second soap. I would provide image proof but when the boss is defeated on both appears the message "you are hit by the full power of the ratmirals flaming attack" and doesn't show the loot. With this second soap I confirm with my own experience is possible. I have to say that I have only looted soaps.
+1 vote
by (5,689 points)
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Best answer

Definitely yes! My husband made an outfit and today we dropped scrubbed brush, so it's possible when you have outfit. Interestingly, I also dropped the same item during the same boss. This means that not only can we get multiple items for an outfit, there is also a chance that more than one from team will get an item during a fight. 

Unfortunately, I don't have a screenshot from my husband's boss because there is a bug in the screenshot of this boss - he doesn't show us the drop, and as a result he forgot to do the manual removal. I don't have an outfit, so mine won't be any proof, but I have such a screenshot and I hope you will take my word for it.

I also found these screens on TibiaBosses. 

As you can see it's possible to get both of them during a fight several times as well as obtaining the same item several times, e.g. brush twice. I think there is a chance that both items will fall down to you at the same time!

by (5,689 points)
I haven't found a screenshot yet, where someone has dropped two at once .. I think it is possible to loot soap and brush from one boss as they are separate items. you definitely cannot loot x2 brush or x2 soap from one boss. unless it would be double loot, but we don't know.
by (17,406 points)
Nixco there's no harm in leaving your answer as well
by (5,689 points)
ye i think the same, i will go to reshow it back :)