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by (5,730 points)
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With the A Pirate's Tail Quest, part of the rewards are the New Summons, and with them a little figurine with their shape. To me as a MS I got the Bladespark Figurine and I loved it!!

So I want to know if is possible to get more than one?, I will love to use them as decoration.

Thanks in advance,

5 Answers

+3 votes
by (246 points)
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Best answer

You can obtain by chance more figurines from the Bronze Shod Chest next to the Dragon Chest. The Dragon Chest may only be opened once to obtain the summon and the figurine, however, the bronze shod chest next to it has a chance of giving other figurines at random. When I did it, I received the pally figurine from the Brass Shod Chest and the Snowbash from the Dragon Chest. I didn't take my own screenshot but this was taken by another member in the team when we completed it.

by (5,730 points)
I just did it again and it shows me the following msg:
00:52 You already opened the treasure chest.
by (246 points)
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The Brass Shod Chest has a 24h cooldown, like the ones in Cobra Bastion, therefore it is possible to do the mission before the cooldown on the chest has been reset. The Dragon Chest should be once per char type thing. A friend of mine has received 3 figurines. The soulscourge from the Dragon Chest completing the quest, then received the snowbash figurine from the Brass Shod Chest on our first journey. The 2nd time we completed the journey successfully he received the Mossmasher figurine from the brass shod chest and was unable to open the Dragon Chest. I added the screenshot a friend took when we completed the quest. I got 2 figurines from that run. I didn't take my own screenshot. But it is 100% possible to get more than one figurine. The bug that was in place was that people could use the Dragon Chest more than once.
by (5,730 points)
Thanks for your research! Well explained. I will keep trying my luck hehe
+1 vote
by (22 points)
The only way to acquire more than one is to finish the quest with other characters.
by (5,730 points)
I think you right! However I will wait for more answers!
0 votes
by (29 points)
Not yet! In future they will add new figurines :P Im very happy with this new possibilities in game.
by (5,730 points)
Sorry but I means If is possible to get more of those already availables like happens with the Lace Trimmed handkerchief or Magical Water Orbs.
0 votes
by (5,689 points)

Yes, I heard that you can pick up a new figurine every 20 hours after completing The Journey game. I don't know it's bug or not and if it has been fixed today. I try to check it and add to my answer later.

by (5,730 points)
I just did it again and it shows me the following msg:
00:52 You already opened the treasure chest. It was possible before?
by (5,689 points)
yes! friend told me that he got figurine every 20hr :( maybe it was bugged
0 votes
by (5,523 points)

It is intended to only be able to get one figurine per character. Currently there is a bug that has been allowing some characters to get multiple figurines. CIP has recently released a fix for this that may have resolved the issue.

"My team and I have been doing the raft mission daily and are still able to take a new figurine everyday from the dragon chest. As well as the reward from the left chest. I feel like this was not intended as the figurine seems like it should be a rarer reward."

"Were you able to able to open the dragon chest more than once after the fix was implemented? In that case, screenshots of the quest log and server log would be helpful and appreciated."

Source: https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=39098886#post39098886

by (5,730 points)
This is really weird cuz a friend just made it with other team and he got the figurine. But I tried yesterday and I couldn't.
by (246 points)
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The 'bug' was opening the Dragon Chest multiple times, and that is why the CM specified 'Dragon Chest'. It is still possible to receive other figurines from the Brass Shod Chest on rare chance