+1 vote
by (44 points)
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Does a monster move if there is no player nearby, or is it just waiting patiently at it's spawn sqm?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (1,412 points)
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Edit 02/11/2021- The best way to check this is on lower levels is by going to the Sea Serpent Area were you can see Sea Serpent's are not moving on lower levels. 

No they don't move, this is well known for older players of tibia, unless you are close to them of something like 64 sqms. I don't remember the exact number or 1 floor above or under them they won't move, i guess this happens to save memory on Cipsofts servers if they were always simulating that creatures move everywhere we would have a higher latency, this is why traps such as plague seal, Pumin seal dt seal, Jugger seal work I leave now a clear example of this happening in Ice Library

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWe-vbkIHo4 (I don't own the video just use it as example to avoid making one myself)
at second 0:40 look at the books at the north on -2 floors they are standing still and wont move a single sqm while the ones on -1 floor does it.
