+1 vote
by (45 points)
I remember on an april fools day in the past they actually hid presents on every server with valuable items inside them, I was curious if there has been anymore like that? Unannounced and a surprise to everyone.
by (17,406 points)
The backpack event was announced that same day, but not in advance. So you're looking for events like this?
by (45 points)
Yes, specifically like that. I know most the time they put things out weeks ahead a time, but I was wondering how many have been put out that were spur of the moment, or within a days notice.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
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The surprises that I'm aware of are the following:

  • In Antica 2000, Knightmare announced he was doing a giveaway and threw a Crown and a Crystal Wand in the Thais Temple. Source- Tibia Fandom
  • In May 2009, "We are giving away seven days of free premium time to all Tibia accounts that have never had premium time before and were created before today, 12:00 CEST." Source- Premium Surprise