+2 votes
by (106 points)
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What advice would you give CipSoft to improve their game?
closed with the note: Opinion based and does not fit to our fansite anymore.
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by (5,070 points)
by (2,564 points)
I'd say it's even exactly the same. This question calls for "one" specific advice, but answers do not comply with that anyways.
by (106 points)
You can give Zupakode the credits for the post then. No problem at all, sorry for the inconvenience.

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (576 points)
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No brainer in my opinion. Put more emphasis on PVP and improve the system as whole. (Mostly talking about Open pvp, probably applicable to retro as well?)

Most of us probably remember the adrenaline rush when we encountered our first pvp situation back in the days. "I don't wanna die. I worked so hard for this. Please only drop the bp." Most likely tears have fallen and one was pissed for at least a day after dropping that newly acquired fire sword.

Nowadays pvp has mostly come to the point where you die and just buy twist and go back to battle. If there even is a battle. Mostly its one team/player using their "main character" while the other side is sitting on low level chars marking single players with the infamous "green mode". This usually ends with the aggressive team (the skulled players) either having to fight on pointless conditions as fragging these low levels really doesn't do anything or them having to run to a defense. But that is only the tip of the iceberg.

Lets talk about war mode. An abomination in itself. The attempt to create a fair environment for people to have pvp action. But lets face it. War is not nice. Once one side is losing they demand different conditions or threaten to just end the war. Also other side factors like people with revenge skull which are not part of the war can heavily influence the action as it really cripples on team to have that disadvantage on their side.
Why do both teams have to agree to a "war"? Either have an automated system or simply let one guild declare war onto the other side. I don't think Poland would have agreed to the second world war but it still happened. Also war doesn't simply end once the losing team decides to bail out. Raising the white flag is an offer and not the end of all evil.

Cipsofts recent attempt to balance vocations in pvp also didn't really help a lot but that's a topic we won't discuss here.

I'm not saying we need the old system back. But improvements would most certainly help attract new players while also keeping the current ones interested.
+1 vote
by (5,796 points)
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Best answer

I would focus on three crucial things that are probably equally important at the current state of the game:

1) Make the Feedback Form able to be filled right off from the Client. It would certainly provide more fresh Feedback to the game (this feature would finally be popular). Needless to say, but make sure that the feedback form will be discussed monthly and shared with the community on the official page on a featured article. This will help to make devs, CMs and players more connected. With this space being opened, everything can be better explained and looked after (vocation balance, Free Account features, new areas/new mobs, etc).

2) Address in a very meticulous and incisive method the whole inflationary question on Tibia. Right now, the gold coins in Tibia are extremely devalued and the prices of Tibia Coins are going to the exosphere on many servers. We need to take important measures to remove circulating money on Tibia with a broad discussion between everyone who participates on the game. This specifically problem should be highlighted and exposed to the community as a collective problem that will eventually be even worse.

3) General review on current lore aspects and a better upgrade for bosses. Currently, important bosses that are supposed to be really strong are getting very weak, not to mention some arguable lore paths that the current game chose to be done. Just like I saw on a Reddit post yesterday, the current strongest monster on the game is a book. Take in account also the fact that you cannot differentiate an orc cultist mob from a traditional orc unit (which is really annoying when I see the creature of the day and I need to hover over it in order to differentiate what is there). I would look into classical areas and would also analyze alternative manners of putting more interesting things around on forgotten areas (without taking the classical atmosphere of it, just making it clear).

I know it is a personal choice over here and that Cipsoft may have different priorities when evaluating what is bad on the game and how it should be fixed, but I think that focusing on the three measures above would make our game extremely improved!

+1 vote
by (65 points)
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Actively hunt and ban account sharers and account sellers. If you login from different IP's in a short amount of time, you receive a call or email to verify the matter and if you don't answer the questions correctly, you are banned, much like the players from poker sites like PokerStars get banned. 

Why is this so important? Well, the problems of power abuse from the "dominando guilds" come from a small group of players that share account and real money to powerlevel and dominate servers. They make money out of this: they powerlevel characters to sell them, you can go to any tibia group on facebook and see people selling characters on values like R$20.000,00. And they reinvest it on tibia, so probably CipSoft doesn't care that much because they profit out of it, but a lot of the inflationary problem comes out of this: those guy invest real money to buy gold and to power level, so they inflate the high level items and make a inflation torrent effect on everything. The wars are extremely boring because they powerlevel a lot of makers to fight the long and boring wars for them. Those guilds that dominate servers lock some bosses and parts of the game, controlling who can access the rare items drops and such. It was fun when the "dominating" guild of a server were a bunch of teenagers on TeamSpeak, but since it became a business on it's own, it's not that fun anymore. And it's a business you cannot run if it's impossible to sell/share accounts. 

Of course that would mean a loss in revenue to CipSoft to hurt account sellers/sharers like that, but I think they could invest on ways to attract new players that wouldn't face a "dominant guild" and all the problems that come with this kind of guild and would have a better time playing Tibia. 

by (7,037 points)
But people can still using proxies or something to hide the ip.

And the problems with the phone call and home registration is that it is only works in Europe, United States and Canada. By example to buy things like RK I change the registration by the address of family in Germany but I don't live here.
by (65 points)
Good luck trying to play a mmo using a proxy haha and that is the point: every way of trying to protect the game has a "escape point", an alternative, but if you make it harder to do it, it will at some point not be a viable business anymore. And the point is that this is not done in any level whatsoever, people talk about account sharing on world chat and nothing happens, you know? There's a famous guy here in Brazil that got deleted while streaming, but it was only done  after he changed his description on twitch to "Selling level 800 master sorcerer" FOR WEEKS. There's a market of tibia coins selling for real money, there are forums dedicated to sharing and selling of accounts... This is done to an extent that I think Cip just think this is part of their game design and they are squeezing as much money as they can out of it before the game ends haha
by (106 points)
That is true. This underground market is huge and CIP just ignores it completely. It pisses me off. People sell characters all the time. You see a character goins through 4/5 servers, changing name 6/7 times. Seriously that this can't be taken into account? Their system is really flawed or they just don't care since they are making money with it...
0 votes
by (7,037 points)
Do something nice to Rookgaard to do this island more interesting. Add more mobs like Dawport, in new servers this can help to all new players going to main.

Make special offer to the day, take 1-3 ramdom item from the store and 1 mount or outfit different every day and make a for sale like 30% or so.

Make the Fansite items, untradeables.