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I entered with my team to defeat the tentugly but only entered for 3 seconds and all were teleported back to Pirats Island. I know the tentacle sqm bug but only I enter and send this message- "You had to leave the area because of strange events." Is this a bug or why am I getting kicked?

by (17,406 points)
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Questions if they're about bugs can be easily out-dated on TibiaQA however... I don't know if this a bug or not because I never did the boss but just know you're not the only one experiencing this issue: https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&threadid=4840235 and here https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=39098126#post39098126

1 Answer

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by (119 points)
it's because of the scenery in the room, you probably stayed in some part of the scenery that after you changed it made you got kicked the room, it happened to me and I ended up in roshamuul