+2 votes
by (17,406 points)

I was watching a video on Youtube about Antica's past and they mentioned houses used to not be protection zones. With that being said, players were able to train on each other in their houses but sometimes they would get shot through the window and killed. My question is simply when were protection zones added to houses?

Source of the image, Youtube video: Tibia History: Antica - The Ancient Years

by (5,730 points)
Could people who weren't invited into the house attack you from outside?
by (17,406 points)
Doesn't mention that in the video :/ I'd figure it could be anyone but I'm not sure
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I am trying to find the screen shot from Darkgladir Rookgaard where it says before official house renting was introduced, there was Key system which was done by Lostboy

1 Answer

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Few facts first:

Houses were introduced in Update 6.4 2nd November 2001.

As per announcement on 16th October 2001 Tibia.com said: When we introduce Premium Accounts, the complete Tibia map will be reset to a fresh state. All people who store objects somewhere on the map should move these objects to their depots. Only items in the depot will be safe. Note, that in future updates all items in rented houses (e.g. flats or guild houses) will be safe, too.  which means Cipsoft carefully was considering housing option for players and I am sure they also consider it as a protection zone. It also means that houses which been previously open for everyone were like any other ground in Tibia and you could have been attacked over there. 

The video is from 1999-2001- I believe before houses been introduced.

by (17,406 points)
So when Lostboy would rent out apartments it appears it was before the housing system was put into place according to the video. The moment when houses were introduced with a rent system on November 2nd 2001 they were protection zone, gotcha. Thanks (:
I am trying to find date when house spells were introduced... https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=126&fbegind=21&fbeginm=11&fbeginy=2000&fendd=21&fendm=12&fendy=2002&flist=11111111 by this I assume on same date when houses were introduced, but I am sure I saw something more clear
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