+1 vote
by (1,058 points)
After the daily reward system was implemented on Tibia, we started being able to recover hp, mana and soul points inside protection zones (as long as the requirements are met).

I noticed, though, that inside certain protection zones (such as gnomebase and after the teleport in Percht Queen) my mana and hp wouldn't recover, even though I was able to recover inside depots, temple and house, e.g..

I tried to find the pattern and understand what happened but didn't find any answer.

Thanks in advance for the response
by (17,406 points)
also according to this answer krailos and feyrist u cant with the daily reward regeneration bonus https://www.tibiaqa.com/9648/what-depots-will-the-reward-streak-resting-bonus-not-work-in?show=9653#a9653
by (1,058 points)
Didn't see those places,  but the question remains: why? Is there a pattern? I'm really curious about this

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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Not all protection zones are considered resting zones, which is a part of the rewards from the daily reward shrine. Resting zones provide regeneration bonuses. Here are some sources below-

Q: > The resting bonus that you get from daily login doesn't work at the beach or while swimming - is this intended or not?
   > Is it intended that i do not regain mana nor hitpoints while staying on feyrist DP PZ even if i have the daily reward bonuses of mana and health regain?

A: That is intended. The resting bonus is only active in certain resting zones. Those zones can be found in the temples of all major cities, in the Adventurers' Guild, in player houses and in most depots. The depot in Feyrist does not have such resting zones.

Source: Official CM Reply

Q: > The Feyrist depot is not a resting zone, is this intended?
     > Krailos is missing a resting area, Reward Shrine Imbuing Shrine, that's intended?

A: Yes, that is intended. Not every depot in Tibia is a resting zone.

Source: Official CM Reply

"Picking up your reward on a daily basis will definitely pay off. There will be special bonuses in addition to your rewards, considering how many you have picked up on consecutive days. The more days you have in a row, the bigger the bonus will be.  These bonuses allow you for instance to regenerate hitpoints, mana, stamina or soulpoints in designated resting areas in which you would usually not regenerate any of these things."

Source: Tibia.com - Daily Rewards

"Resting Areas can be found inside some Depots, Temples, all rentable buildings, and the Adventurers' Guild. If they are marked with a Within Resting Area icon (Within Resting Area Icon) in your Status Bar, there are no regeneration bonuses from the Reward Wall active. If they are marked with a Within Active Resting Area icon (Within Active Resting Area Icon) instead, however, such regeneration bonuses are active."


by (1,058 points)
Oh, thanks! I don't like that that isn't a pattern but at least now I know the reason. Thanks a lot