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by (7,037 points)
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What's is the order of the most valuable to the worst Soul Items from the Soul War Quest?.
by (17,406 points)
If I'm not mistaken, these questions are suitable for TibiaQA (I cannot find the exact source for this) I'd rather this come from Ellotris though. Which I understand, it can be easily outdated.
by (4,311 points)
Think could just change the question to something like a list from the most valuable to the worst, but no the price
by (7,037 points)
Thanks by tip Lehu.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (5,730 points)
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Best answer

According with the statics of the official-fansite Tibia Bosses Pricechecker the most valuable item is the Soulbleeder  and the worst is the  imageSoulbastion, Soulmaimer and imageSoulcrusher 

There is also the full list of all Soul Items from Most Valuable so far to the Less.

Soulbleeder image 

Soulshredder image 

Soultainter image 


Souleater image 

Pair of Soulwalkers image 

Soulshroud image

Soulshell image

Soulstrider image

Soulshanks image

Soulcutter image

Soulpiercer image

Pair of Soulstalkers image

Soulbiter image

Soulmantle image

Soulcrusher image


Soulbastion image

by (1,467 points)
great work, but as someone who knows a service group from first hand tibia bosses is outdated and very, the set of the sorcerer has become very very cheap im 100% sure that for example the soulhexer cost way more than the soultainter just by checking the services world like celebra kalibra luminera this can be confirm
by (5,730 points)
This will always depends, ofc all those servers you mentioned are Optional PVP, on Open PVP, Retros and Hardcore servers the prices of MS works different. And the list is based from the statics of Tibia Bosses as I mentioned. You can confirm that info on the link I posted.