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by (153 points)

I heard that it is possible to learn the Gharonk language. How does it work? what do I have to do to learn the language of these creatures?

1 Answer

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by (17,406 points)
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Gharonk Language first appeared in the books of the Desert Library. To sum it the books are from an outsider's point of view about what some of the words might mean. There isn't many word meanings to go off of, which makes the language difficult to understand. The unknown author of the book talks about visiting a city and slowly figuring out the language. Maybe Gharonk could be code for another language (like Orc for example), as it's not clear what type of creature speaks this language. Could this be a made-up or lost language? Where's the city that speaks this language? What happened to the author? There are so many unknown questions about this, it's very mysterious. I myself in the past tried to look into it but sadly came up empty-handed with no new leads. This language isn't talked about often, but some NPCs react to Gharonk based on my research-

  • Hagor: Gharonk is a very old language, only spoken by a few people. It's not a very complex language, but that does not mean that it is easy to understand!
  • Nemal: My father knew this language.
  • Adrenius: Hmmmm... I don't know much about it.

Here's what I copied from my source Tibia Fandom: Gharonk. You can find most of these word meanings directly in the journals themselves. Some of these words are just speculation and not confirmed in the journals (They have a ? if their just guesses, if their bolded they are confirmed in journal)-

  • Nag: I/my/mine/me
  • Umog: one/once/one time/first (additional numbers are defined by adding a tu- to the word. E.g.: 3 is tutumog)
  • Mog: zero
  • Narz: red
  • Buzgob: green
  • Orolu: gold
  • Shura: blue
  • Urbum: yellow
  • Yagla: yes
  • Glub: no/not/none
  • Mogurz: place or maybe throne?
  • Orzog: Thirsty, dying or something like that?
  • Atul: Fast, quickly or help?
  • Mob: need?
  • Mula: Water/Drink?
  • Gar: probably something like "stranger" or "outsider" ? (As they kept calling the author of the books this language)
  • Narat: kill?
  • Yargoth: lion?

To learn more about the language and where most of these words might mean I recommend you read the following books-

asked Dec 5, 2020 by (17,406 points)
bumped Sep 5, 2024 by
What NPCs react to Gharonk?