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by (3,788 points)
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Does anyone know how to obtain this item? Is it loot from a creature or a boss or it’s from some quest?
by (5,730 points)
Actually there is no information on any fansite. I believe all Jungle Set is obtainable from Admiral Black Whiskers. But as I said I didn't find any proof or official info.
All the jungle set was “secret” so far so most probably reward on the end of quest (randomly) or just simply rare item from the boss... still looking forward to the answer

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (119 points)
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I think it drops from the Ratmiral Blackwhiskers boss, I never saw anyone drop but I heard here on the server that I play (celebra) that they dropped his Make-Do Boots, so I believe that every part of the jungle set is dropped from that boss
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It is officially added on Tibia Wiki that it is looted from Ratmiral Blackwhiskers same as other items from Jungle set.

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by (45 points)
So far I have yet to see anyone loot them, but it is commonly believed that the final boss of a pirates tail drops the new items, as well as addon items for the new outfit.
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by (1,274 points)

According to the tibia fandom it is part of the Jungle Set, (not sold by NPCs) and this item so far is not dropped from any creature. By my research no one so far knows who to drop or the evidence of dropping the item.

Makeshift Boots - TibiaWiki - Quests, Items, Spells, and more (fandom.com)
