Hi There
Lets start from Helmet:
1st option. is
Zaoan Helmet- Arm:9, Protection physical +5% + 1 Imbuement - Where you can put Mana Leech
2nd option is
Dwarven Helmet- Arm 6:, protection physical +2% + 2 Imbuements - Mana Leech For Offensive type of hunting as you can put skill Imbue on that
3rd option is
- Prismatic Helmet - Arm,:9, Shielding +1, protection physical +5% - available from 150 level only for knights - No Imbuement- when you do not want to spend money for imbue as you do not believe spawn is worth it
- Prismatic Armor - Arm: 15, speed+15, protection physical +5% + Imbuement slot (Life Leech Imbue)
Royal Draken Mail- Arm 16, Shielding +3 Protection physical +5% No Imbuement possible, so if you do not need Life Leech this is the best physical defence armor
As you are sword User -
Fireborn Giant Armor can be useful too as it is adding + 3 sword (offensive mode)
- Exotic legs- new item. Arm. ; protection physical +4%.
1st option:
Ornate Shield- Def: 36, Protection physical +5 and 1 slot Imbuement
- Prismatic Shield - Def 37, Shielding +2, Protection physical +4% - No Imbuement available
- Depth Calcei Arm: 3, Speed-5, protection physical +5%
Void boots
Regarding the sword- It is depending how you are managing your Imbuements. Both are good, but Emerald Sword has 2 imbu slots- adding critical + extra imbue could be better option