+2 votes
by (299 points)
I want to use both Diamond arrows and Crystalline arrows with hotkeys but I can't get it to work. When I put d arrows and c arrows in the same quiver, it automatically use c arrows.

Is there anyway to bind the arrows so that I add and remove them from the quiver to a Hotkey?

1 Answer

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Did you try to have two different quivers- in one diamond arrows then in second crystalline and to put quivers on hot keys instead of arrows ?

Quivers were created to help you to organise your ammunition - if there is an issue with it- it must be reported as a bug.

Secondly-did you imbue your bow with elemental damage? Please note that elemental damage imbu does not work with diamond arrows. That would explain why it ignores diamond arrows.
by (299 points)
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I tried your suggestion with two quivers with different arrows in them and that worked fine! I had no idea there was different colours on the quivers :P