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by (17 points)

Rods/wands needed for magic lvl 111 – 112 with 25% loyalty.

To get magic level 112 you will need 168 exercise wands. The total cost will be: 44100000 gp

Or 4.200 tibia coins. The whole process will take you: 1 days 22 hours 35 minutes 56 seconds.

Ultimate mana potions needed for magic lvl 111 – 112 with 25% loyalty.

To get magic level 112 you will need: 100.654 ultimate mana potions. The total cost will be: 44086452 gp. The whole process will take you:1 days 3 hours 57 minutes 34 seconds.

This is the formula that tibiafrags.com uses. What spells do you need to cast to spend as much mana as possible? I’m a master sorcerer if it makes a difference.

1 Answer

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by (1,504 points)
the thing about this calculators is that they arent exact because mana potions recovery vary from one to another the best spell i can remember to magic level up is utana vid, has low cooldown and cost 440 of mana, you could make runes like SDs but your soul will run out quickly so while charging it since with 7 streak of reward you get soul points regenaration while being in paece zone so after wasting your soul you can change to utana vid while the soul recharges.

The variation also happens with the rod because magic level is based on mana points used, so that variation in the recovery of mana potions makes things harder to calculate and the rod just imitates the use of mana points used
Well the best sequence I've found so far is:
Utana vid
Exura vita
Exura vita
Utana vid

Still not sure if that consumes more mana than a wand shot.
by (1,504 points)
it does, doing magic level the old way is in fact faster but of course you either have to do something ilegal like doing it with a bot or spend yourself days using mana potions and spells