+1 vote
I understand that both spells for Sorcers belong to same cooldown group and "creatures can only suffer from one instance of Expose Weakness and from one instance of Sap Strength at a time". Considering that the cooldown is 12 seconds only, and spell duration 16 seconds, what will happen if I use other spell after the cooldown but before the end of the spell?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (934 points)
Just tried it. The creatures will have both of the debuffs at the same time. So the previous cripple debuff is not replaced by the newer one, but they are both active.
did you tried it on one MS or two different chars MS?
by (1,503 points)
i can confirm what he says, my ms does it when we hunt on rottem, only 1 ms can put both debuff for a few seconds
0 votes
by (5,523 points)
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Best answer
A creature can be under the effect of both spells at the same time. When CIP states "creatures can only suffer from one instance of Expose Weakness and from one instance of Sap Strength at a time", this means you could not have multiple sorcerers casting these spells on the same target to stacks debuffs. eg 2 sorcerers couldn't make a creature deal 20% less damage, if the spell is cast again it would reset the spell on the creature to deal 10% less damage and last another 16 seconds.