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by (47 points)
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I understand that we have a new rune to use a modified utamo, but is there any way to take an advantage of it?

Using the new mana shield mechanic I need to use 3 hotkeys instead of 1, I do not use the arch bars and the purple bar is too small.

Using the new "Exura Max Vita" it is possible to heal yourself a little more, along with some life leech imbuement could sound fine, but will it be enough? Either alone or in a team, sound like an hardcore mode.
by (47 points)
My question was to know tips about how can I hunt with new vocation update, I don't want to know where hunt, Is it still considered duplicate? Should I edit my question? Thank you in advance!
by (1,557 points)
Should be better you ask abou the mechanics you want to know
by (5,730 points)
Idk if I understood well your question, because this comments confuse me a bit! You was asking about that I answered. But what rune are you talking about? Magic Potion?
by (2,564 points)
The way I understand this question is "How to efficiently protect yourself as a lvl 300 ED after vocation adjustments". Is it with a magic shield that is now way more complicated (and if so - how)? Is it with a combination of healing spells, including the new max vita?

2 Answers

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by (5,730 points)


According with the Newsthere is some new spells for Druids:

  • Restoration (exura max vita)

This one is supposed to use on hard situations and give you a better healing than Exura Vita, but IMO it doesn't work because the long CD it have. 

In practice as ED, having an extra hotckey can be quite cumbersome, and using this hotckey that is supposed to be for more complicated moments should be in a strategic place where you can use it quickly, but if you take into account that you can only use each minute. Being realistic you will use magic and the next second you can continue in the same situation which does not guarantee you will be safe. So in my opinion, so far, it is not worth.

Mana: 400

Cooldown: 60s

Group CD: 1s

Level: 300

  • Magic Shield (utamo vita) / Cancel Magic Shield (exana vita) & Magic Potion

Since now we don't be able to use Energy Ring so based on that fact the best way is on the Hotckey you used to put your energy ring use your Utamo Vita and make an extra hotckey for the Exana vita and the Magic Potion. I recommend you to use like F1 utamo vita / Alt+F1 Exana Vita / Ctrl F1 Magic Potion (It's just as suggestion ofc you will configured it as your presets)

Keep in mind that:

  • The amount is based on the caster's level and magic level.
  • The cooldown of utamo vita has been increased from 2 seconds to 14 seconds.
  • The duration has been reduced from 200 seconds to 60 seconds.
  • The shield also breaks when your mana pool is depleted. Casting utamo vita while the shield is still active refreshes the amount of damage that can be absorbed. We added a way to track the active shield amount in the UI to help the affected vocations adjust to their new defensive capabilities.
  • Nature's Embrace (exura gran sio)

Basically a new exura sio that restores a large amount of HP to the target. For this one, I must say that you should use it when the EK is in Extremely low HP. Because CD is 1 minute long, you should only use it to ensure the life of the EK and continue with the Normal Sio. For this I recommend using the same hotcket as sio adding ALT or CTRL. Ex: Alt + F2.

Mana: 400

Cooldown: 60s

Group CD: 1s

Level: 300

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by (6,736 points)
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Best answer

I have a feeling, that further changes will be implement to the game soon, because this balance is ridiculous at some points (especially if we're talking about EK abilites), but I'll try to answer your question.

Nowadays players who used to overuse magic shield, what was making them immortal, have to focus on using Might Rings and Stone Skin Amulets again. New spell utamo vita will only protect for a short time during critical situations like traps etc. If spell will be not enough, you can use Magic Shield Potion as next, which has no cooldown, then spell again. Unfortunately cooldown of spell is too long to spam it one by one. What I am afraid about is that the formula of the new magic shield gives not enough to protect ED in hard moments. I tested how long it lasts on a quite weak monsters. In case of stronger it will protect me for one turn? Maybe 2. :x

New exura max vita in my opinion is completely useless spell. You can't use it as a replacement (due to the long cooldown) and let me present some stats on the example of my character:

  • exura vita gives 1100-2100 hp (usually 1500-1700)
  • exura max vita gives 1540-2600 (usually 1600-2000)

The difference is nothing. You have to be REALLY lucky, to heal yourself enough to survive in a trap. You can easily set the hotkey on Shift+something and the only way to have a slightly better healing is to use of exura vita > exura max vita alternately.

Well, this is my first opinion after one day, we will see... maybe with some time I'll notice more advantages/disadvantages and edit the answer.

Have you got any stats from the hunts ? It would be amazing to see how those changed over the time ( I agree with you completely all will be nerf then buffed and on the end puffed )
by (6,736 points)
What you mean? To be honest my hunts didn't change much. I just don't use this new exura max vita, since it is useless, barely use gran sio, cus EK has enough hp to survive even without sio on places where we used to hunt and the only thing is that the lack of enery ring sometimes hurts. Recently I trapped myself like a noob on plagirath seal, was standing with 6 with full room of monsters and the new utamo was enough to protect me during 1 or 1,5 turns. xD