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by (17,410 points)
I see a lot of players advertising their characters on Char Bazaar and claiming their char has a rare character name. What would be considered "rare" character names? If you could give examples that would be great.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (2,564 points)
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There are certain character names that you can no longer create because of the character name filter. Upon the development of Tibia, this filter became more and more restrictive. This doesn't make those names illegal though - they can just no longer be created and therefore can be considered rare.


  • Names containing non-Latin characters (only possible in very early versions of Tibia)
  • Names containing uppercase letters that are not starting a new word (e.g. Awod Inuyasha II)
  • Names containing special characters like apostrophe or hyphen (e.g. Lilo El'Chavo or Strachol-Ziom)
  • Names containing more than three words (possible up to around 2010, e.g. Ellotris who likes hugs)
  • Names containing words that are currently blocked by the name filter (e.g. word "master" - the dictionary of forbidden words is updated irregularly) 
by (17,410 points)
I just found out there's a player named- El Maguito de Sonric s