+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
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Looking at the Red Rose guild on the website I noticed some fancy character names with letters I've never seen before with what's called umlauts (the two dots ¨ above a vowel) For example Bürgy or Kolskägg

So when were we able to put these in our character names and when and why was this removed?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (421 points)
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In Germany the Umlaute Ä Ö Ü are common letters and used in a lot of names / words. That's the reason why you were able to create characters with these letters. It was also possible to use , . - ' and even ß.

I am not sure when exactly they removed that but around 2003 (Update 7.2) commas and other signs were removed **. The reason for that is mostly because they have problems with the URL. For example, if you open the URL for the character Kolskägg in the Red Rose Guild https://www.tibia.com/community/?subtopic=guilds&page=view&GuildName=Red+Rose&character=Kolsk%E4gg&action=characters. The URL can't show the letters this way. You see the % instead. I am not an IT specialist so I am not a 100% sure if this is the only reason. Another reason could be (in my eyes): players with a non German keypad can't find the characters in game or on tibia.com.

** I checked all Characters which are given as an example in this thread and non of them is created after 2003.

BTW: If you see characters with ae, ue, oe in their name then it means the same like ä, ü and ö. Example: Kolskägg = Kolskaegg (bad example in this case because Kolskägg is not a German word ^^ But you get my point).

by (17,406 points)
Hm.. I start to play in 2004 and I know it wasn't possible then to create these characters so 2014 is not even close I'd say
by (421 points)
Yes you are right. I will update my post.