+1 vote
by (2,564 points)
If I pick up items, such us potions or runes, from the daily reward and keep them in my store inbox (because that's the only place I can keep them), is it possible to set up hotkeys in a way that would allow me to use the potions and runes from the store inbox first and after I run out of them, from my equipment?
by (170 points)
You can move them to your depot box and keep them there, I usually carry "emergency" pots on the store inbox and my regular hunt pots on the backpack

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (2,564 points)
Best answer
Unfortunatelly, this is currently not possible. As long as you have both store potions/runes and the same potion/rune in your equipment, using them via hotkeys will first consume the ones from the equipment. Once you no longer have the potion/rune in your equipment, it will automatically start consuming them from the store inbox.