+3 votes
by (934 points)
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One of my teammates accidently jumped out the teleport when we were killing Dragonking Zyrtach in the Forgotten Knowledge Quest.

She still participated on the kill (got loot) so my question is: Can she come back to the boss, use the shrine and then just leave without killing it?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,730 points)
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Best answer

Hello Dream Warden!

Yes, it is possible, I swore it was not possible but yesterday I tried to do it with boss Lloyd. And it worked! I simply entered the boss and clicked the machine to try it and it worked, in fact, clicking the machine leaves you the following message: "The crystal starts hovering slowly right after you place it in the strange device. You can now use more powerful imbuements ". As the pic shows below:

Hope this helps you as it helps me! I'm actually impressed.

0 votes
by (1,557 points)
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Yes, if you kill some boss and forgot to use the Shrine, you just have to wait 20h to challenge the boss again, but this time all you have to do is to use the Shrine and leave the room, that's not necessary to kill the boss again.
by (5,730 points)
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Guys, I'm sorry to report that we were wrong, although, have to wait for the cooldown to enter the boss room, is not necessary to kill it again, you can click the machine and leave! I did the test and it worked.
by (1,557 points)
So they changed it, because in the past you could not. Anyway thanks to check, will correct my answer
by (5,730 points)
Before i though it wasn't possible and I just came and check it and it works hahaha I got impressed!