It seems the idea of the Tibia Council is mentioned on December 16 2000, where a news article states, "a new election of the Tibian Council members is starting. Take a look at our voting page to find the election outline. You will already see a list of all candidates and their unedited statements in which they declare why you should vote for them..." However, I don't have further information on the members and what it was about.
However, we do know in the recent past the most known Tibia Council was created because devs wanted to discuss game relevant topics with selected players to create lists of suggestions together on how to improve the topics in discussion. They were mainly looking for solutions that can be worked on and implemented rather quickly and directly. The first group was focused on hunting grounds in Tibia. The content team and the community managers invited a couple of players to this group who caught their attention in a positive way because they diligently provided constructive criticism and valuable feedback during previous update tests, and also on the Tibia boards. They contacted the selected players in advance to make sure they want to participate. Taken from my source
This focus group provided Cipsoft feedback for new hunting grounds (Yalahar: a new hunting ground with war golems was placed in the Factory Quarter, Svargrond surroundings: a new special mammoth cave was added. etc.) and changes on existing hunting grounds (Svargrond Barbarian Camp, Yalahar Factory Quarter etc). Here's a link with extra details as there's too much to mention. Taken from my source
The Tibia Council doesn't exist anymore sadly, here's to say in the future they won't start it again though. Here's what Cipsoft thinks of Focus Groups currently taken from my source:
Why didn't you make a focus group?
While focus groups can give valuable insight, they only constitute a part of the player base. Participants have their own ideas which are at times hard to reconcile with everyone's opinion. Moreover, some players who could provide great feedback might for whatever reason be unwilling or unable to take part in the discussions while still being affected by the changes.
What can we do to share our opinions if there's no Tibia Council now?
- We can continue sharing our thoughts on the current forums on Tibia's Forums
- We can also provide our feedback by submitting it on the Feedback Form
14 players were invited to the Tibia Council in 2013, however only some players are noted in my source so I don't have a complete list
Council Certificate- Awarded to members of the Tibia Council. Known winners are:
- Arkshi
- Dark Black Magician
- Etienz
- Jay Rolla
- Sixish
- Zimmiee
For participation in the 2013 Hunting Grounds, the following text is inscribed:
Awarded to Player for being a valuable member of the Tibia Council - Hunting Grounds 2013.
This item previously appeared in the Market, before Updates/10.1.
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