There is an NPC called AMBER who can help you with this before you even reach the mainland.
Notes: Amber came to Rookgaard from Mainland to help the most inexperienced players find their own adventure.
She is one of the few people who have mastered the language of the Orcs and is willing to teach you in exchange for your favorite food. Amber learned the language because she was stuck with them for a few months. She left her raft off the southeast coast. She also knows how to make the first Citizen Outfits addon if you give the required items.
Amber wrote the book "Amber's Notebook".
She can teach a few words of the orc language to each Salmon you give her.
The Orc Language is written in 3 books next to Bear Room Quest.
Learning Orcish is the only way to buy a Bow in Rookgaard, however such a purchase seems like a waste of time, unless you plan to stay there.

Amber speaks a few words in the orc language. Ask her and she will say that she can say a few words to you if you bring her some salmon.
There are books that can be found in that language:
Ork Porak (Book), Location: Rookgaard, close to Bear Room Quest.
Taka Arash Ouk Karak Minotaur (Book), Location: Rookgaard, close to Bear Room Quest.
Omark Ikem Goshak Ba Batuk (Book), Location: Rookgaard, close to Bear Room Quest.
Blind Orc was a great leader for his people who lived on the small island of Rookgaard. They prospered for a long time until messages arrived stating that warriors were needed in the war across the ocean. The strongest left quickly for the north of Mainland to help their friends in the confrontation against men. The weaker orcs were left with a few orc guards. Blind Orc was fascinated by these "men", but he did not know how to speak their language. To this day, many visit their small mountain to buy equipment. He is the only one who sells bows and arrows in Rookgaard, which he creates from the trees and rabbits that exist there. To communicate and negotiate with him, you need to know the language of the orcs. If you don't speak that language, maybe some people who live in the village will be able to teach it to you.
Player: charach (hello)
Blind Orc: Ikem Charach maruk. (I hello you)
Player: goshak batuk (Buy bow)
Blind Orc: Ahhhh, maruk goshak batuk? (Ahhhh, did you buy bow?)
Player: mok (yes)
Blind Orc: Maruk rambo zambo! (?)
Player: Futchi (Bye)
Blind Orc: Futchi! (Bye!)
Orcs don't seem to have many words to talk about numbers; according to the writings of other orcs, they seem to use the same numbers as humans, but the way they pronounce them is unknown.
The only numbers they seem to know are 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. If you want to write a number over 5, it must be written by adding it. The number 11, for example, is written as "5 5 1".