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With the winter update 2020, there were few new familiars introduced to the game. What type of familiars can be summoned by each individual vocation? Tables (example below) and pictures highly appreciated!

VocationAvailable Familiars 
Elite Knight
Royal Paladin
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid

by (1,557 points)
Familiars were not introduced in the game yet. Think you should wait the winter update release to make this kind of quetion.

1 Answer

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by (5,730 points)
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Best answer

Hello Canario, so far with the teaser on the winter update four new summons will be able for each vocation, at they will be gain through a quest (A Pirate's Tail Quest).

VocationAvailable Familiars 
Elite KnightSnowbash 
Royal PaladinSandscourge 
Master SorcererBladespark 
Elder Druid

Unlike the old summons availables since the Summer Update 2017 that were gain buying a spell for 50.000 gps.

VocationAvailable Familiars 
Elite KnightSkullfrost 
Royal PaladinEmberwing 
Master SorcererThundergiant 
Elder DruidGrovebeast 

by (5,730 points)
Sorryy i fixed haha ty!