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by (934 points)
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I've read that fully discovering an area can give the perk of getting a notice 1h before announced raid happens.

For example: If I've fully discovered Zao, I should get a notice 1h before the Draptor raid happens.

So my question is: If I've fully discovered an area on my main character - does that perk of getting a notice before the raid happens apply to my other characters as well on the same world?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

Discovering an area on a character isn't account-based, it's character-based. This means in order to be notified of a raid an hour before the character your playing on has to have completely discovered the area and the raid needs to be imminent, meaning an announced raid (like the Lion raid in Darashia). So from my understanding, it won't get applied to all the characters on your account sadly.

Q: Will we have to do the map discovering with every character we have?
A: While the map data, just like the minimap data, is account wide, each character has to discover the subareas and areas in order to receive the outfit and the additional markers etc. Source: Tibia Forums: CM reply

Here are the markers mentioned: "If you have fully discovered at least 30% of all subareas of an area, locations of NPCs within that respective area will be shown on the map. At a minimum of 70%, passages to subareas on other map layers and teleports are displayed as stair symbols on the map. Once all subareas of an area have been discovered, creatures that occur in those subareas are listed when you click on a subarea's name or on a passages symbol that leads to this subarea. Creatures for which the Bestiary entry has not yet been unlocked are displayed as a silhouette. In addition, a player who has completed an area will be notified whenever a raid is about to take place in that area within the next hour." Sources: Tibia News: Cyclopedia Map and Tibia Manual: Cyclopedia Map
