+5 votes
by (17,406 points)
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For example, I know theBlood Goblet.gif  Blood Gobet and Shrunken Head Necklace.gifShrunken Head Necklace have the option to "use with" or "crosshairs" on something but we don't know what. I know the Shrunken Head Necklace also gives a speed bonus, but still, it has "use with" which has no use at the moment. I know there are similar questions asked, but they don't list particularly the "use with" Here are the related questions:

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,142 points)

These are some items (there are probably much more) I know about:

by (17,406 points)
The Blood Skull has always bothered me, yes there's plenty more but this is a great start
+1 vote
by (16 points)

There's also the Strange Symbol, it's dropped by strong creatures and some bosses (Arachnophobica, Behemoth, Burster Spectre, Dworc Voodoomaster, Ghazbaran, Morgaroth, Oodok Witchmaster, Orshabaal & Stonecracker).
