+2 votes
by (299 points)
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What is the most valuable creature product, when you sell it to a NPC?

I'm not interested in imbuement value :)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (5,730 points)
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Best answer


Since the new Summer Update appears new creature products that become so far the most valuable, they are:

Item Value
Figurine of MegalomaniaFigurine of Megalomania.gif5000000
Figurine of CrueltyFigurine of Cruelty.gif3100000
Figurine of SpiteFigurine of Spite.gif3000000
Figurine of GreedFigurine of Greed.gif2900000
Figurine of MaliceFigurine of Malice.gif2800000
Figurine of HatredFigurine of Hatred.gif2700000
Megalomania's EssenceMegalomania's Essence.gif1900000
Megalomania's SkullMegalomania's Skull.gif1500000
Greed's ArmGreed's Arm.gif950000
Malice's SpineMalice's Spine.gif850000
Spite's SpiritSpite's Spirit.gif840000
Vial of HatredVial of Hatred.gif737000
Cruelty's ChestCruelty's Chest.gif720000
Cruelty's ClawCruelty's Claw.gif640000
Beast's Nightmare-Cushion630000
Malice's HornMalice's Horn.gif620000
Maxxenius HeadPlants, Animal Products, Food and Drink500000

I just add all those creature products above than 500K and of them can be sold on Yasir.

by (299 points)
Shit, those are some valuable stuff! Thanks for letting me know :D
by (45 points)
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Most of them are dropped from high tier bosses. I can't believe how much money you can daily earn doing only bosses ^^
by (1,516 points)
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Could Morshabaal's be on that list? It can be sold at 3 250 000 gp to Npc Yasir