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by (5,730 points)
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Pretty much as the main question. I saw this cute shield in a pic of Internet and I wanted know more about their history. I know it's belong to a old guild from Antica, but I would like to know the whole history.

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

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Rose Shield was a reward for guild "Red Rose" for they long relationship with Tibia.com and being one of the oldest guilds. It was created by Cipsoft and given as a token of gratitude. 

As per TibiaWiki:

"This shield can only be found on Antica and seen inside Morguthis' Treasure Room.

Only 6 of these beautiful shields were ever made, they are owned by members of the guild Red Rose. This was a gift from CipSoft to them, for being one of the oldest guilds of Tibia."

HOWEVER, as per Loreffy answer august 27 2019  It is assumed to be 8 of them at present. 

From the forum Red Rose Guild:

"The Red Rose guild was founded in 1998 (if I'm not mistaken, I was only 5 years old, give me a discount: D) ​​on the quiet and first-born server of Antica, In 2002 (I was about 9 years old but I already got some gps on the ground), the guilds section was posted on the official website which was registered from there. (Ahh the guild completed 20 years of existence in 2018 * .*).

The Rose Shield was created in honor of Red Rose who also "won" a Guildhall in Fibula with the name of the Guild. The Red Rose has a lot of historical facts inside the game, the same is famous for the events that organizes such as "Miss Fibula", "Carnival Party" and besides winning the first Tibia football tournament (I still prefer the selection Brazilian: 'P, but do not talk about the wash we take in the cup for Germany, right?) And unfortunately many members of the original guild are no longer among us."

In Addition you can find the information on http://www.nightmareknights.com as below:

"The history of the Rose Shield, Mercenary Shield, Kreal Shield, and Rose Armor

In Tibia’s earliest days, before accounts, before rentable guildhalls, before even the introduction of Carlin, Kazordoon or any other town other then Thais (Tibia city), there where few guilds that lasted. Those that did where awarded with their own guild hall and rare keys to open them. A few of these guilds where given the honor of having their own special item as an award. Only three of these received the honor, the Krael guild, the Red Rose and the Mercenaries. Only a few copies of these items where ever made, and those few where awarded to those individuals who truly where worthy to receive the honor of owning one. Over time the rare rewards, Krael shield, Rose shield, Rose armor, and Mercenary shield where given out. Outcries of unfairness where screamed for many years, citing elitism, favoritism and other bunk. Cip decided to listen to them and made most of the items questable and changed the names and graphics of a few of them. The only item that escaped identity destruction was the Rose shield. The Kreal shield became the ancient shield, the Rose armor became the Noble armor, and the Mercenary shield became the Griffin shield."


TibiaWiki- Here

TibiaQA- Here

Red Rose Guild Forum Interview- here

Knightmarenights- Here 

More to read:


by (5,730 points)
So cool that they are still playing!