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by (5,070 points)
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Two keys 0001 can be seen in the Rathleton Treasure Room. The golden version can only be seen from the Rathleton depot while copper one can only be seen from the room below NPC Graham. It's known that a crystal key and a silver key are also in the same treasure room, although they can't be seen. They could also be keys 0001.

Img Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Key_0001

Is there any clue, or any known use to this keys? 

1 Answer

0 votes
by (17,406 points)

I've read a lot of books in Rathleton and tried to do research on numerous fansites and I believe that at the moment were unaware of the use for key 0001. Right now we all can't figure out how to get this key as it seems it only appears in rathletons safe which is closed off to the public as far as we're aware. I like to think the key is a play off of bonelord language as 1 means Tibia according to A Wrinkled Bonelord. I know back in the day key 0000 used to be rumored to open up all the doors in Tibia as a mapper was greedy, when Cipsoft found out they eventually replaced the key with no use. Maybe key 0001 because it has many forms opens up all rooms in Tibiia or at least the safes that are locked. 


Tibiaqa: is there a key that opens all doors?

 Tibia Fandom: key 0001
