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by (16 points)
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Just before the Fenrock, near the Dwarf King in Beregar, there is a way on the right going lower level, with some doors locked with Dwarfs inside. What key opens the door and where can I find this key? The reason I ask is because there are fiendish monsters in there and I want to kill them for silvers.  Thanks for the help!

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by (140 points)
You will not be able to get to this specific monster. You can also end up having one of the Dwarves on top of the wall (inside berega) that can turn fiendish.

I hope they slowly start to remove those places so we dont have to wait an hour for it to despawn :)
by (17,404 points)
Sadly Cip said even those fiendish monsters appear, doesn't mean you can access them or not. They mentioned this when someone pointed out the Vampire in Serpentine tower was Fiendish. PS- I recommend adding an image to your question next time thank you!
by (16 points)
https://pasteboard.co/DekNEhFstinL.jpg  Here is the site i found .. and other door at north
by (16 points)
https://pasteboard.co/PIifyKYiPSMY.jpg  Photo of the map Closed Door
https://pasteboard.co/ell7AsbZ4olb.jpg Way to the closed Doors

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (2,216 points)
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There is no key to these rooms. At least according to common knowledge, you can't get in there. You just have to wait until the fiendish monster turns into a regular monster and a new fiendish monster appears in another location.