+2 votes
After certain PvP situations sometimes we can get mark of the skull next to our name. What kind of different skulls do we recognise and why do we get them ?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (4,311 points)
Best answer

  • image White Skulls
A character marked with a white skull has recently attacked or killed an unmarked character. All players can see this mark. It will stay as long as the logout block is active. If the character performs further offensive actions while he is marked with a white skull the duration of the mark will be extended, as will the duration of the logout block and of the connected protection zone block. Still, white skulls are temporary marks which indicate that the marked character has been aggressive recently.
  • image Red Skulls
imageCharacters that kill or assist in kills of several unmarked characters within some periods of time will be marked by a red skull and have to face serious sanctions for their player killing. This happens when one of the bars of the unjustified points widget has filled up. As a rule of thumb, this happens when the value for the following kills has been reached. Please keep in mind that the percentage of unjustified points you receive for an unjustified kill depends on the fighting situation and on your way of participating in the fight:
imageimage 3 to 5 unmarked characters in 24 hours,
imageimage 5 to 9 unmarked characters in 7 days or
imageimage 10 to 19 unmarked characters in 30 days.
As soon as one of your bars has filled up, your character will be marked with a red skull for 30 days. If you receive further unjustified points during these 30 days, the red skull mark is reset to 30 days. Also, as an additional sanction a character marked with a red skull will drop all items in case of death, even if a character has all blessings or is wearing an "Amulet of Loss"! This will encourage players to hunt and to punish the player killer.
  • image Black Skulls
imageCharacters with a red skull that keep killing or assisting the killing of other characters unjustified, will receive a black skull once their bar of the unjustified points widget has filled up. As a rule of thumb, this happens when the value for the following kills has been reached. Please keep in mind that the percentage of unjustified points you receive for an unjustified kill depends on the fighting situation and on your way of participating in the fight:
imageimage 6 or more unmarked characters in 24 hours,
imageimage 10 or more unmarked characters in 7 days or
imageimage 20 or more unmarked characters in 30 days.
Black skulls last for 45 days. If you receive further unjustified points during these 45 days, the black skull mark is reset to 45 days. Just like a character with a red skull, a character with a black skull drops all items in case of death. In addition, characters marked with a black skull cannot attack any unmarked characters. So be careful, if you attack several characters when having a red skull, and then one of these characters dies and your red skull turns black, you will no longer be able to attack the characters you have attacked before. As you have attacked these characters first, they will also not get a yellow skull. This effect will stay for as long as you have a battle sign.
Furthermore, characters with a black skull cannot choose the expert mode "Red Fist". Also, characters with a black skull will receive 100% instead of 50% of the dealt damage in PvP fights. Finally, if a character with a black skull dies, he will awake in the temple with 40 hit points and 0 mana.
  • image Yellow Skulls
This skull is somewhat special because it is not visible to all players on the screen. You will only see it if your character was attacked or damaged by another character first when your character was marked with a skull. This happens because you have the right to defend yourself also if you have a skull. If you kill a character with a yellow skull, the kill does not count as a "bad" kill as any other kill of a marked character. Similar like a white skull, a yellow skull will stay as long as the logout block is active. If the character performs further offensive actions while he is marked with a yellow skull the duration of the mark will be extended, as will the duration of the logout block and of the connected protection zone block.

image Orange Skulls
Similar to a yellow skull, this skull is not visible to all players on the screen. You will only see it if your character was killed unjustified by another character. All characters that have killed your character unjustified are marked with an orange skull visible to you and themselves for 7 days. This gives you enough time to gather all your friends and take revenge for such kills.
If you kill a character with an orange skull, the kill does not count as an unjustified kill. Still if you attack a character with an orange skull, you will be marked with a yellow skull for your victim and receive the usual protection zone block.
An orange skull lasts either 7 days or until you took revenge and killed the character with the orange skull. If a character has killed you several times in the last 7 days, the orange skull lasts until you took revenge for every single of these kills. Once all those unjustified kills are avenged or older than 7 days, the orange skull vanishes.

Source: Tibia Manual
