+2 votes
by (576 points)
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Alright so in the past one weird thing has happened to me which lead to this question. Usually the % you get on a frag depends on damage or status effects applied to the played killed (% of total damage done, paralyze etc). When just doing minor damage or just blocking you usually don't get a high% of a frag.

So what has happened is, I had 100% left to frag on my ek. I decided not to take the risk of getting RSd and would only block/mwall the target, not dealing a single point of damage.

2 minutes later I got 100% frag for that guy with ~10 people killing.

Can anyone explain to me how exactly the system works? Usually for blocking i get around 30% of a frag.
by (2,564 points)
To make it clear - is the question about partial kills in general, or are you asking specifically for the case with magic walls/blocking?
by (576 points)
The specific situation and the general system would be interesting.

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (254 points)
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Best answer

In tibia's manual

"If a character is killed unjustified, its death has a certain value. Characters that have helped bringing this character down in some way will receive a certain percentage of the death's value. Characters who have actually dealt damage to the killed character will naturally receive the biggest share. However, also blocking or debuffing the victim as well as healing the attacker will fill up a character's bar of the unjustified points widget. As the system is additive, characters which have e.g. dealt damage to a character and blocked it will receive a higher share than characters who have only dealt damage."

"Assisting a kill is possible in two ways, either by paralysing the victim or by being part of a trap. Trapping means that all squares around a victim are taken so that the character in the middle cannot move anymore. Being part of a trap can either be done by standing yourself on one of those fields or for example by shooting a magic wall on it. An assisted kill also counts towards the skull system, however, it will let your kill counter fill up slower than inflicting actual damage on the victim."

so you shouldn't have got full 100% as you didn't attack.
but I also found this

"a kill counts fully for a maximum of 5 characters that inflicted damage on a character in the last 5 minutes before its death. Depending on whether the killed character was marked or unmarked for them, the kill counts as unjustified or ok. If the kill was unjustified and more than 5 characters took part in the fight, the individually gained unjustified points are lower."

"Keep in mind that every blocking of another character is rated as an attack on this character with all negative consequences. "

the first two quotes might be outdated and they forgot to edit them, but if blocking is counted as attacking, and 5 people or less took part of the fight, you will get the full 100% of unjust.

this is the part of the manual that explains it.


–4 votes
by (5,070 points)
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As far I know if you just use MW you dont get never the kill since you are not dealing damage, are you sure you didn't use energy wall or something like that? anyway is so strange that if there was 10 ppl killing you get the 100% kil....
by (3,816 points)
Incorrect actually using MW count as an assistence kill...

(https://www.tibia.com/gameguides/?subtopic=manual&section=combat )

Assisting a kill is possible in two ways, either by paralysing the victim or by being part of a trap. Trapping means that all squares around a victim are taken so that the character in the middle cannot move anymore. Being part of a trap can either be done by standing yourself on one of those fields or for example by shooting a magic wall on it. An assisted kill also counts towards the skull system, however, it will let your kill counter fill up slower than inflicting actual damage on the victim.
by (2,564 points)
Good catch. This answer is indeed incorrect. The combat guide clearly mentions that an assisted kill will count toward the skull system. The question is how is this fraction of a kill determined... By the time spent blocking? By the number of people participating?
by (3,816 points)
“However, also blocking or debuffing the victim as well as healing the attacker will fill up a character's bar of the unjustified points widget. As the system is additive, characters which have e.g. dealt damage to a character and blocked it will receive a higher share than characters who have only dealt damage."
(I got this from the answer of another post here : https://www.tibiaqa.com/1993/can-i-get-white-red-skull-if-i-only-heal-someone-and-dont-attack )