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I recently found some information/myths regarding Death Priests Rod existence in Tibia, however, not able to find much of the details regarding this. Do you know anything regarding this?

by (5,523 points)
I've never heard any mention of this. Where did you find your information/myths?
It started with this Poke -https://www.tibiaqa.com/725/what-are-the-rarest-items-in-tibia-and-how-to-obtain-them?show=725#q725
- then I was searching  it and found only https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Talk:Death_Priest_Rod
It is possibly just a rumour/scam, still I am interested in the background of it

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (17,425 points)
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Best answer

 A Death Priest Rod is an item that never existed in the game as far as I'm aware this was just a rumor for an item that no one knew how to get at the time. This item doesn't appear in the Market or the Cyclopedia, the reason why is because it has a completely different name.

Wand of Dimensions It's actually known as a Wand of Dimensions. The Wand is dropped by Mazzinor which is part of The Secret Library Quest. A player must've thought that a Death Priest dropped the item as they were both implemented in Summer Update 2011 and looks like an item he would drop. However, the wand only became obtainable only after Summer Update 2018. This is just my idea of how the rumor got started, it's not written anywhere else as far as I'm aware.

Death Priest

Source: Tibia Fandom
