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by (17,406 points)
There are non-transferable and transferable Tibia coins. I want to know what is the difference between them for what you can purchase from the store. Basically, the type of coin can possibly limit you when your purchasing from the store.

2 Answers

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by (5,730 points)
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Hello Shawtay!

The differences between the Non- Transferable Tibia Coins and Transferable Tibia Coins are:

Non- Transferable Tibia Coins 

  • Can't be gifted to other accounts
  • Can't be traded via Market
  • Can't be used to purchase casks in the store (This can affects the players who play on the new launches servers).

However, can be used for Mounts, Outfits, XP Boost, Decoration Items.

Important fact: The Non-Transferable Tibia Coins become transferrable after the 6 months.

Transferable Tibia Coins 

  • Can be gifted to other accounts
  • Can be traded via Market
  • Can be used to purchase all the items available at the store.

Source: Tibia.com Webshop-

by (17,406 points)
Thank you for your organized answer :)
by (5,730 points)
Glad to read your feedback, also thanks to improve it grammatically, I'm trying to slowly improve, my English :).
0 votes
by (299 points)
There is no difference between what you can buy for the coins. The only thing is that you cant sell the non transferable tibia coins on market or give it as a gift to another player :)
by (17,406 points)
there is a difference!