+1 vote
by (15 points)
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G'day guys,

Returning player from years ago, Lvl 305 EK (Sword) with average skills 99/95 with EQ.

Also, have a 110 MS with ML 80 (base)

Wondering if the EK is still worth playing (I've heard RP's dominate every area now?)

Being from Australia my ping is constantly 300 (ish) so I can't go as extreme as some of you can, need to re-learn rotation/hotkeys etc. any help or advice is great, Also happy to start an RP or ED whatever works best these days.
by (2,564 points)
I've edited the question and removed the part about hunting ground recommendations. Such questions already exist so the answers can be checked there. If the existing questions aren't specific enough, a new one can be asked (in a separate topic). Hope that's not too much of a trouble - thanks :)

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,181 points)
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Welcome back to the game, every vocation still got weak and strong points eks still fine, you asked a lot of stuff so I will go by points:

1) If you enjoy ek there is no point to start a ed or a rp unless you enjoy it more.

2) For equipment basically you can have 3 swords that are pretty good for ek in lower lvls. Winter blade, summer blade and gnome sword. 3 elementals swords will give you a lot of range of hunts but also is good to get one sword of destruction in case monster are weak against physical, a zaoan and demon helmet should be fine as helmet. I recommend 1 silver token armor for easy hunts where you don't need imbues. Mostly people use fire/earth armors. About imbuements, ornate chestplate is still one of best armors for lower levels. Not to expensive and can imbue with everything. Gnome shield is pretty good and a cheap option. You can also have ornate shield for imbuements. Depth calcei/boh are the 2 boots you need for now. Ornate legs still fine too. Amulets and ring stills consumable ones and a fox tail amulet.

3) About hunts, glooth tower/medusa tower/ draken walls /banuta are some of the hunts you can do with a ek lvl 300. They aren't too hard so to get back to playing should be fine. Try to study what defense imbuements would be good before going for a hunt.

4) Hotkey rotations etc, is a bit to long to answer everything in 1 question. Important thing is before every spell let a meele hit land on the monster so the life leach and mana leach of weapon will work twice. One for the melee atk and one of spell. Try to keep the utito up before using the exoris spells. If you got any more specific question you can ask me in comments or in private.
0 votes
by (49 points)
Hi dude and welcome back.

I consider that a paldin have advantage for hunting alone because they can go to places with more exp ratio and also have the posibility to do duo with an ED or inclusive with a MS. Playing EK alone is a little hard because you need a considerable lvl to hunt alone with a good exp/profit ratio (at least 400+ in my opinion).

Playing mages with a delay of 300 ms is no funny, so in your case, I wont consider MS or ED like and option. I suggest you to continue playing with EK and find an ED dou, so you could enjoy the game.

About your set... 30kk is enough to get a regular set (no the best in game), you can buy Ornatechest plate, faboulous legs, depth calcei, cobra hood, gnome shield, gnome sword, winter blade, tagralt blade, slayer of destruction.