+2 votes
by (1,355 points)
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Currently there are four different dolls from the tournament that you can purchase with tournament coins, they cost 400 coins each.

 Vexclaw Doll
 Ogre Rowdy Doll

 Retching Horror Doll

 Demon Doll

If you look at them in the store you can see a text saying 'use it to trigger an animation'
What does this animation look like? Or is it just text and if so, what does the texts say?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (6,736 points)
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I used to check animations by browsing images database on TibiaRoyal (however, fansite doesn't exist anymore so the link doesn't work)

As you can see, each item with animation has few separate frames, for example Bard Doll has 9 separate frames. Tournament Dolls have only 1 frame, so I guess it has no animation at all.

by (1,355 points)
Thank you, but I guess it has to have a different use then, as I doubt they would go as far as to say it has an animation and then does nothing, perhaps it displays a text or something instead?
I upvoted your answer but still waiting to see exactly what happens when you use one of those dolls