+2 votes
by (6,736 points)

I wonder what interesting activities, like:

  • hunts
  • profit
  • events
  • bestiary

... and probably more... can I take as a free account, to not waste any time, still be active and have fun?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (287 points)
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You may find many profit facc tutorials on YouTube and other sites but the best profit on facc You will get on imbuing items. My best:

Elf fortress - only when it's normal state - not burning

Forest Furys - on carlin

Orc Fortress - bestiary + some little profit on broken shamanic staff.

Amazon camp - pure profit:)

Temple on poh - same with Amazon camp but over there You will get rope belts.

Giant Spiders - h lvl paladin may hunt really safe for spider silks.

If Anybody got better ideas pls share over here

Good way as facc player is to start big foots burden daily tasks (especially keeper and spark) for gnome reputation.
by (6,736 points)
Is it possible to acces gnome base as a FACC player?
by (287 points)
Only to main hall (that one woth depot and magic shop) and im 100% sure that You re allowed to do Keeper and Spark daily mission (unfortunetly You cannot do matchmaker and golem repair)
by (3,788 points)
You can do keeper, spark, extermination and digging tasks from the big foots burden daily tasks
+1 vote
by (198 points)
As a free account my favorite activities were completing quests and collecting an extensive quest log, i like the lore therefore it works for me, here is a page with a list for quests that you can complete witthout the need to purchase a premium account


The to outfox a fox quests is a always a good call for free characters to make a ton of money and possibly even start to make enough gold to pay for a premium acc through in game currency, but overall i would focus on lore and mysteriandos since many of those do not require the pacc