+1 vote
by (2,865 points)
I'm thinking about Umbral Master Bow, once Bow of Cataclysm is much more expensive, so are there any better option or UMB is good?

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,417 points)

answering to only the  bow of cataclysm would be the answer due its 3 slots second the umbral master bow and third living vine bow, if i had to put it by efficiency would say living vine bow because its really low priced and has 3 imbuements 

+1 vote
by (332 points)
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Best answer

Hello, here's the list of the best bows you can use as Paladin from lower to higher level.
There's multiple bows you could use due their benefits on the stats and according to where you hunt you could change the bow.

Bow of Destruction.gif Bow of Destruction (Range:6, Atk+5, Hit%+5) | 3 Imbuement Slots
This bow is very cheap since you can obtain it for 50 Gold Tokens and too much ppl farms GT.
Yet, i wouldn't recommend this bow because it's price is about 800K - 1KK and you could get a better bow for just a little more.

Living Vine Bow.gif Living Vine Bow (Range:6, Atk+5, Hit%+5, distance fighting +1, protection earth +4%) | 3 Imbuement Slots
For me this is a must, since it is cheap and has great stats, there's many hunt spots for a Paladin where the Earth Damage Protection is very helpful and has distance fighting +1, the price might change according to server but it usually goes by 2KK - 3KK

Umbral Master Bow Umbral Master Bow (Range:7, Atk+6, Hit%+5, distance fighting +3) | 2 Imbuement Slots
On personal choice, this bow is only useful for Team Hunts or places where you don't need the x2 Life Leech since it only has 2 Imbuement Slots where you should use Strike (Critical) and Void (Mana Drain), otherwise this bow is not a good choice for solo hunt while you can focus on a higher damage without the life leech on the team hunts.

Bow of Cataclysm.gif Bow of Cataclysm (Range:6, Atk+6, Hit%+4, distance fighting +2, protection death +4%) | 3 Imbuement Slots
This bow is very useful since it has a very nice death protection and distance fighting +2, this easily replaces a living vine bow unless you need the earth protection and its price goes around 10KK depending your world.

Lion Longbow Lion Longbow (Range:6, Atk+6, Hit%+6, distance fighting +2, protection ice +5%) | 3 Imbuement Slots
This bow is pretty much the same as Bow of Cataclysm, only difference is this one has +1% Hit and protects Ice for 5% but if you don't plan on hunting at Ice Court or somewhere with heavy ice damage, there's no use on buying this bow since the Hit Chance is not a big thing because Diamond Arrows has 100% hit chance and you mainly use Bow because you mean to do AOE hunting with Diamond Arrows, making this bow pretty useless as long you don't need the Ice Protection. The price right now is unstable since it is a new item but i bet the price will drop to 5KK - 8KK since Cataclysm is way more useful and has same ATK  and Distance stats.

Falcon Bow.gif Falcon Bow (Range:6, Atk+7, Hit%+5, distance fighting +2, protection fire +5%) | 3 Imbuement Slots
This is the best bow a Paladin under level 400 could wish for, it has a +7 ATK and Protection Fire +5% which is very useful on a lot of respawns a Paladin could hunt at, its price depends on the world but it could be from 30KK to 40KK.

Soulbleeder Soulbleeder (Range:6, Atk+8, Hit%+5, distance fighting +4, critical hit chance 10%, critical extra damage +10%, protection holy +7%) | 3 Imbuement Slots
All i have to say is: Best Bow Available. Too powerful and even if it has Critical Hit Chance and Extra Damage, you can imbue it with Powerful Strike and instead of having 10% Chance and 50% damage thanks to its stats you get 20% Chance and 60% Damage, it has +8 ATK and Holy Protection could be key for few new creatures but this bow main feature is not its Holy Protection but how OP it is.
Yet, it is way too expensive and requires level 400, unless you're too rich, it'll take a while to see this one on your backpack.

I hope this solves your question!

by (332 points)
LOL, Who down voted my answer?
Haters gonna hate.
Wasn’t me who downvoted, but perhaps it is because you added bows which are out of level range? Not sure. I can only suggest to split them with the line or highlight- make it bold- that they are after certain level.:)
+1 vote
by (4,311 points)
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Best options isBow of Cataclysm for sure. Now you said that is thinking to buy Umbral Master Bow, i think it worth if you use to hunt in party and do not make box just because it has only 2 imbuement slot and make an huge difference while hunting solo.
by (332 points)
What do you mean by "2 prey slot", you mean Imbuement Slots...
by (4,311 points)
ops sry, imbuement slot