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by (5,796 points)

I was wondering about what happens to them if they are left untouched... They will disappear after server save or after some hours they will vanish if nobody kills them? I ask that because if they stay alive until the server save, it might be a smart move to kill the goblins that spawned on inaccessible locations (the ones that spawn on NPCs' counters or others unreachable places) to add up some bestiary kills (you only need to kill 5 Grynch Clan Goblins actually to fill the kill counter).

1 Answer

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by (3,816 points)
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yeah the ones that spawns inacessible area will stay there until ss... but not all can be killed
by (5,796 points)
I was tried to kill one goblin that had run all around the Carlin surroundings area and he just puffed when I was chasing him back to the city... IF they keep moving for too long they can disappear before the Server Save so?
by (3,816 points)
If the goblin runs from out his spawn range it can puff too like all other creatures...
by (5,796 points)
But he was actually returning to his area, I was "herding" him back to the city. Apparently any mob will have a "counter of movement" and if they move away too much, they will puff. That's important to know, since it is easy to lost them from sight on Fields of Glory, for example. Using invisibility will avoid this problem, I guess.