+4 votes
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If I have 130 lvl+ and I have never started the killing in the name of quest, is there any chance to get achievements for killing bosses for lvl 8-130?

I heard that if I start the quest on 130 lvl and I get 100 points, I will have a one-time opportunity to kill every boss from 8-130 lvl and then I will be able to get all achievements? Is this correct?

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (4,311 points)
Yes you can! After you complete 100 task points, you can kill every boss from level 80- once (not apply to Demodras).
+1 vote
by (32 points)
Yes, you can, but you got to finish at least 1 more task to get 1 boss point, so if you use it on the bosses you didn't kill (except for lvl 130+) the boss point will not be consumed.

(if you choose a boss you already killed or from lvl 130+ you will consume your boss point and you'll have to complete 1 more task to get 1 boss point again)
0 votes
by (7,037 points)
Yes, at the end the npc give you the chance to kill one of every all bosses.
by (5,796 points)
don't you need to obtain some "boss points" in order to select the former bosses?
by (7,037 points)
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This is just a plus when you do more than 100 points task. To kill all the first time need 1 boss point.
0 votes
by (4,162 points)

Yes, and this will be the best way if you start doing the task faster. Remember how you can do everything faster you will have the chance to start the Demon task faster :) 
