+1 vote
by (210 points)
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I know that in all the mythology of Tibia there are many languages, such as Cyclops, Elves, Orcs and Deeplings, but are there others? and to exist where can I find them?
closed as a duplicate of: Can you name all the creature languages in Tibia?
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3 Answers

+6 votes
by (125 points)
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Best answer

Hi, there are many languages like:

(?¿)       Gharonk Language: This is the most rare language in tibia and can only be found in Jakundaf Desert Library

Chakoya Toolshaper Chakoya Language : This is the language of the chakoyas, the little dudes near Svargrond

 Elf Elven Language: This is the language of the elves, you can found a lot of this in Ab'dendriel

Orc Orc Language: This is the language of Orcs and there is not much information about it

Cyclops Cyclops Language: This one its funny, Cyc in tibia have their own language and in fact you can find a book of this the "Cyclops ABC (Book)" with 0 information of the language haha, but we know some words of this language that reference metals like Za'Ralator which refers to a Demon iron

 Angry Demon Demons Language: This is one of the most rares languages in tibia, we know that demons have a language cause they say "CHAMEK ATH UTHUL ARAK" and we can found a very strange book in serpentine tower that have this words "Chamek at uthul hatradek", so they can be related

 Minotaur Minotaur Language: "KAPLAR!", This one its funny, Minotaurs don't "have a language", they have this word which is a reference to "Qapla, a Klingon's word

 Hero Human Language: English

 Deepling Spellsinger Deepling Language(Jekhr): Deeplings have they own language and you can found a lot of this in the books in Gray Island

BonelordBonelord Language(469): This is the most frustrating language of all, the only thing that I'm going to say its 1 its Tibia and you can found a lot of this language in the Hellgate Library, but good luck on this one

Blue Djinn  Djinn Language: Djinns have an ancient code of honour like  "DJANNI'HAH" So we can assume that it is very possible that there is a language

 Dworc Voodoomaster Dworc Language: This little dudes say a few words like ("Prek tars, dekklep zurk."."Grow truk grrrrr."; "Brak brrretz!)so, we can assume that they have they own language 

Lazaran Caveman Language: Near Zao we can found a little tribe of cavemans and they speak a kind of English

War Wolf Wolves Language: We can found a book in POH with the name "The language of the Wolves" so can be a language

image "Zarganash" Language": In fact Zarganash its a "word" of an ancient language which we don't know

And I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting some languages hehe

+1 vote
by (1,452 points)
A complete list would be
Bonelord (beholder for the acient ones xD)
English (human)
this is all i remember for now
0 votes
by (850 points)

There is also the mysterious Gharonk language. Here is an insert from one of the notes on this language:

... This is the sixth day. It seems, the inhabitants start trusting me and
begin to communicate with me.

I found out about colours and their words in gharonk.
"Red" means "narz", the word for "green" is "buzgob", "orolu" is "gold",
"shura" stands for "blue" and "urbum" is the gharonk word for "yellow".
Furthermore, I found out the words for "yes" and "no". "Yagla" means "yes",
"glub" means "no", but it's also the word for "none", "not", and so on.

I just wonder why they keep on calling me "gar". Did they give me a name?

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